Notice to users:

The processed data you are about to download are produced by ISDC. Each site has a Principal Investigator(s) (PI), responsible for deployment and maintenance of the instrument of data collection. The PI has priority use of the data collected at the site. The PI is entitled to be informed of any other use of that site data. The processed data you are about to download are produced by ISDC.

Recommended guidelines for data use and publication:

Using SKYNET data:
  Please consult with the PI(s) of the data to be used.

  Always cite the appropriate key SKYNET papers for any publications.

Publishing SKYNET data from a 'few' sites:
  Please consider authorship for the PI(s) and/or the following acknowledgement: "We thank the PI(s) for (its/their) effort in establishing and maintaining (site name(s)) sites."

Publishing data from 'many' sites:
  A general acknowledgement is typically sufficient and may read: "We thank the PI(s) and their staff for establishing and maintaining the (site name(s)) sites used in this investigation.

However, if the SKYNET data are a principal component of the paper, then co-authorship to PI would be appreciated to be offered.

The contact person is: Monica Campanelli
If you intend to use the data, please consult with her via e-mail:

If you agree to the above conditions, click the 'Accept' button below.
If you disagree with the above conditions, click "Don't Accept" button below.

Click to download "ESR-MRI,version2,level2" data,

Click to download "ESR-MRI,version2,level2A" data,

Click to download "ESR-MRI,version2-1,level2" data,

Click to download "ESR-MRI,version2-1,level2A" data,

Click to download "ESR-sunrad,version0.9,level2" data,

Click to download "ESR-sunrad,version0.9,level2A" data,

Click to download "ESR-sunrad,version0.9-1,level2" data,

Click to download "ESR-sunrad,version0.9-1,level2A" data,

Click to download "SR-CEReS,version01.00.00,leveL2" data,


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